Okay, some breaking news. We now have a site for this coming Wednesday (March 12), and perhaps a more permanent location. It's at the Unitarian Church (1535 Santa Barbara Street), in classroom C. Their manager and I decided that we'd try it this week first to see if it works out. It's a classroom for kids, and it's in the back, so it's not visible from the street and a little tricky to find. There's another classroom that I would have preferred (classroom B), but a book group meets next door, and our concern was the noise we generate, and whether that would disturb them. And so the "trial" week. Classroom C is reserved on the 19th, but is available after that, so we may be in another location for just next week. It may be that we are in a different classroom but on the same site. Again, we'll see how this works, and decide whether we want to keep looking. I'll be positing the address and directions to this classroom on the web site this weekend, but I wanted to post something here, as sson as I had it confirmed (I've got the key, gave them the check for this week, etc.).

I'm sorry we had to cancel on the 5th, but I'm glad we've got something this week. And, even better, it will be nice if it turns into a permanent site.
