Last night was the first night of the Venture Area Theatresports (VATS) Laughingstock 3: Rumble in the Comedy Jungle, and I'd say we all had a great time. Five of the Caught in the Act players joined in the first Free-For-All at 6:00 pm, mixing it up with players from VATS, the Chadwick Improvisors (Chimps) from Palos Verdes CA, and Rapid Fire Theatre from Edmonton Canada. Afterwards, we stuck around to see several really fun improv shows. It started with a traditional Theatresports match which I enjoyed, except of course for the horribly deluded judging (boo! hiss!). Players from VATS, Chimps, and LA Theatresports (LATS) challenged each other to some very funny scenes. And I must say that this show included the best portrayal of a spaceship using a chair that I have ever scene. Ever.

Then the Rapid Fire group performed a very funny long form structure. Three very appealing guys spent an hour taking suggestions they fished from the audience (you'd have to see that process to appreciate it) to put together some wonderful scenes, running the gamut from bullies at school to dealing with a delusional girlfriend.

There was a Gorilla Theatre competition, which I thought was some of the best improv all night. The four experienced improvisers put on a great show. Three were from the VATS group, and one fellow was from San Diego. For me, he was the hit of the show. When performing, his characters had a riveting physical presence, creating some really wonderful scenes. I believe he won the competition, but who can understand the subtleties of scoring?

The night ended with an Improv Jam, where they had 8 players from VATS, Chimps, and Edmonton on stage putting together whatever came to their crazed minds. It lasted about an hour, and although the scenes were risky and didn't always work, they hit to some fun moments, and their enthusiasm really made the show.

I'm sorry I didn't get more of the players' names. Tonight I'll try and get a better list, and I may come back and add some to this post. I need to take better notes, but it's all so delightfully distracting.

On a final note, I want to thank the VATS organizers, and let everyone know how damn well they treat their guest performers. Besides the logo tee shirts and food, they always made us feel welcome and appreciated. They put on a great festival. Get out there!
