Once again we had a pretty big class (okay, when does a class with 20 people stop being big and become normal?) but this time, no one was brand new. That let us get into scene work pretty quickly, and everyone dove in enthusiastically. dcp_2440.JPGAfter warm-ups we started in with a Stinky, Sexy, Silly scene, and here Terri, Toni, Dustin, and Nate were conducting the scene in a dentist's office. Guess how Nate felt about Dustin.

dcp_2442.JPGScott, Sharon, Andy, and Tristan in another Stinky, Sexy, Silly scene, this time they were camping. This was a wonderful scene with everyone endowing each other beautifully.

dcp_2448.JPGMike, Scott, Justine, and Li-At in their scene which had some great physical moments. At one point Li-At and Mike were fighting for Scott's attention by pulling his wheelchair in different ways.

dcp_2449.JPGHere, Kenna, Nate, Alan, and Neil are in their version of the exercise, and again I think you can tell Neil's attitude towards me and probably Kenna's attitude towards Nate. As I recall, we were in a resort.

dcp_2456.JPGThis is a 5-Letter scene with Scott, Melissa, and Sol. They were working with the word CLONE and the setting was a painting class where Sol was the nude model. I don't know that you need much more than that - the scene lived up to what you're imagining.

Unfortunately, it was about this time when the camera's battery died. So, no more images from all the other 5-Letter scenes, the Invent a Holiday scenes (and Insult Day was just about the most perfect scene I've scene in a long time), the songs, or the 3-Line Drills. Unfortunately I can't bring myself to type the words of the best opening line of the night, but let's just say that we all have a new picture of Melissa in our minds.
