dcp_2735.JPGWe've gotten to the point where a class of 18 seems like a small class. In this picture, we've broken up into three groups to each tell a One Word Story. This is one of our standard warm up exercises and you can see Mark, Mark, Andy, Kelly, Ben, Justine, Allegra, Scott, Li-At, Angela, Mike, Lorien, Justin, Victoria, David, and Eric. dcp_2745.JPGThis is a Story, Story, Die scene with Mark, Karla, Justine, and Ben. At this point you can tell that Mark is telling the story, mainly from his pained expression. And, of course, Karla and Ben are watching the direction to avoid imminent death.

dcp_2748.JPGHere, we've switched to the Puppets scenes. In this one, Victoria and Mike are the puppets to Allegra and Andy's puppeteering. They were fishing in this scene, although not very well. And I must say that it's good to see Victoria back on stage.

dcp_2750.JPGIn this rotation of the scene, Allegra and Andy are now the the puppets, and Angela and David have joined in as the puppeteers. I believe this scene was taking place in a smoking shop. For some reason, it looks like David was modeling the movements for Andy.

I like that the puppeteers were to the sides of the puppets in this scene. After the next few pictures, I'll comment on how the scene looks when the puppeteers stand behind the puppets.

dcp_2756.JPGA couple of rotations later, we now have Li-At as a puppet with Justine as her enthusiastic puppeter. Eric is the other puppet with Lorien as his puppeteer. The scene was taking place at a lingerie store, so that may explain why Lorien is having a hands-off moment. Justine, of course, has no such hesitation.

dcp_2759.JPGStill performing a Puppet scene, but now Justine and Lorien are the puppets with Mark and Ben as their puppeteers. This scene involved scrap-booking, and Justine seemed to be taking it all rather emotionally.

dcp_2766.JPGA few rotations later and we have Kelly, Justin, Sol, and Mark. Kelly and Sol are the puppets, and they are in a tool store. In these last few pictures, I've come to realize how often the puppeteers work from behind to manipulate the puppets. I'm sure it's to avoid getting in between the interactions, but I can see how awkward it looks. It's much more interesting to see the puppeteers manipulate from the sides of the puppets.

dcp_2769.JPGAnd now Justin and Mark are the puppets with Victoria and Mike as the puppeteers. I think this is a good example of how Mike working from Mark's side makes for a more interesting stage picture.

dcp_2776.JPGOkay, we've now switched to an Expert Panel scene with Angela, Allegra, Sol, and Ben as the panelists. Scott is the moderator. The panel is discussing Rainbows, with Ben as a collector, Sol a leprechaun, Allegra seeding clouds, and Angela some sort of a rainbow theft investigator. The interactions were very fun with Angela accusing Ben of stealing rainbows and Sol being rather inadequate as a guardian.

dcp_2782.JPGAnother Expert Panel scene with Victoria, Mark, Justine, and Kelly as the experts. That's Lorien's foot, and she was the moderator. They were experts on swing sets, and there was a lot of discussion about the dangers of swings. Frankly, by the end swinging didn't sound like fun at all.

dcp_2787.JPGAh, the Irish Drinking Song, with Victoria, Scott, Allegra, Lorien, Mark, and Ben. I don't remember the topic of this one, but I love the look on Victoria's face as she's belting out her part of the tune.

dcp_2791.JPGOne more Irish Drinking Song, this time with Justin, Li-At, Allegra, Mark, and Mike. I've noticed how pictures from this game often seem to capture people in a pose where they look ready to belt each other. Here, Angela looks like she's going to take out the new guy, Mark. Li-At, of course, doesn't want to miss out on the violent confrontation. Justin is happy to not be the target of Angela's wrath, and Mike is oblivious. Or, did I just jab Li-At in the jugular?
