dcp_2809.JPGThe recital was a fantastic, and I'm extremely proud of how everyone did on stage. I haven't pulled any pictures from the video, yet, but here are a couple of group shots taken after the show. Unfortunately not everyone is in the picture, but I'll name those who are, starting with the back row: Mike, Andy, Justine, Sol, Scott W, Kathy, David, and Justin. The next 'row' consists of Li-At and Melissa, and the next sort-of row is Allegra, Ben, Angela, and Marika, with Alan (me) kneeling in front. Missing are Lorien and Scott S. I've included the following picture for several reasons. First, Lorien has joined us (she's in the deerstalker cap). Second is Andy's 'Kilroy' moment over Justine's shoulder, and the third reason is the fabulous expression on Marika's face.

