VATS and the Livery Theatre are hosting an August Improv Festival with special shows throughout the month. Although several of their shows have already passed, there are still more to come. The shows scheduled on the next two Saturdays are by visiting troupes. On August 18, the Unscripted Rep, featuring members of LA Theatresports and Impro Theatre, are performing. I've seen these performers put on an Unscripted Tennessee Williams performance and it was amazing.

And on August 25 the Cartoon Overload (also from LA) will be performing. I'm really intrigued by the description of the show and plan on attending.

From their announcement:

Saturday, August 18 Format: UnScripted Unscripted No script, no author and no clue. The players get the suggestion of a style of theatre or film (from you, the audience) and makes it up on the spot. Come and be as surprised as they will be!

Saturday, August 25 Format: Cartoon Overlord, Cartoons Created Before Your Eyes! Cartoon Overlord is a revolutionary new show in which cartoons are drawn, animated, voiced and CREATED BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES. Impossible you say? Come and see! Created by Joseph Limbaugh. <Cartoon Overlord website>

LABOR DAY WEEKEND: We'll bring you special shows on Friday and Saturday night, including the debut of our new, Steamy Southern Soap Opera! Details TBA.

