dsc00623-1.JPGAh yes ... the ladies. All of the women in class gathered for a round of the Irish Drinking song. Later, all the men (including myself) performed together in our own drinking song. No question, the women kicked our asses. They sang beautifully, in rhythm and formed wonderful rhymes. I'm not even sure that all the men were singing the same song ... or at times whether we were in the same building. Sad.

You can find the rest of the pictures from this class are at our album. I didn't have the usual camera, so the resolution is a bit different on these photos. Actually, I didn't have a lot of the things I usually bring to class, like a lesson plan! So, we improvised the workshop, and in many ways it was one of the better classes (uh oh, this just encourages bad habits).

Also missing (I came to class directly from another appointment and was ill prepared) was my notebook, so I'm only working from my (very poor) memory - oh yeah, and the photos. I know we worked on a Repeating Scene, Changing Genre piece that was a lot of fun. Everyone did well with that one. We also had a gender based pair of Irish Drinking Songs. Did I emphasize how badly we (men) did?

The whole group did some 3-Line Drills and ended the night with quite a few rounds of Freeze Tag. As I mentioned before, this turned out to be quite a fun workshop.
