Howdy Folks, The Santa Improv Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, October 24, 2007 is CANCELED!

The Unitarian Society has its annual Star King Benefit Rummage Sale, and the entire building is used to support that event. No rooms are available.

We will be back on Wednesday, October 31. I will be on vacation, but there will be others teaching the class while I'm gone, so be sure to stop by.

I'll be posting this notice on the website ( and sending an email to anyone who signed the attendance sheets during a Santa Barbara Improv Workshop (and this is one of the reasons I asked folks to sign up on that list).

I'm sorry about canceling this class and I look forward to seeing everyone in November. Alan

P.S. It just so happens that on that Wednesday night, Scott Williams from the workshop is putting on a S.B. Real Estate Conference; you can check it out at
