I'm BAAAAACK! Yes, it's taken me a bit to get my head back into the blogging game after my trip (and work, and life, and blah blah blah), but I think it's time to catch up on some of the backlog. Let's start by getting a bunch of these workshop photos published onto the old intertubes.

The last post with photos was for the October 17, 2007 workshop. Since then, we've had one workshop canceled (Oct. 24) and four workshops with guest instructors (Oct. 31, Nov. 7, Nov. 14, and Nov. 21) and no photos! For the rest of the workshops of 2007, I'm going to forgo any sort of detailed description and just give out links to the on-line albums.

img_4975.JPGThe album for the November 28, 2007 class can be found here. For some reason, my camera started giving us grief, and we lost a lot of pictures to blur (I overcompensated for underexposure).

Still, it's nice having Scott's enthusiastic approval.

img_5088.JPGThe December 5 workshop (see the album) had quite a few new players join us. Their experience ranged from "first time on stage" to "experienced improv player". Unfortunately, the camera was still acting up, so we don't have as many pictures of the new folks.

img_5210.JPGThe album from the December 12 workshop shows the return of a lot of familiar faces. Although we are still losing pictures to blur, at the end of the night there were a lot of two-player shots from the Freeze Tag round. Those are some very fun pictures.

img_5281.JPGThe December 19 workshop had a nice mix of new and old experienced players (although I think we scared off one of the newer players - drat!). The camera was settling down so we have quite a few pictures in the album for this class (although I'm still correcting some exposure problems).

img_5347.JPGThe last workshop of 2007 (December 26) has only 1 picture in the album. After I took the class warm-up shot, no one else picked up the camera. The night was just that good! Actually, we had a pretty good turn out for the day after Christmas, and it was a very good class.

And that was how we finished off 2007! Thanks to all the Santa Barbara Improv performers, players, students, instructors, audience-members, and well-wishers for a fabulous year.

Now to catch up on 2008...
