Workshop 20 August 2008We were in a new location this last week as our usual space was getting a face lift. Just a short flight up some stairs, we had more couches than folding chairs in use. And, as you can see in this picture, one of our 1-Word Story groups got a chance to work outside. More photos can be found in the album. Our warm-ups included Character Intro, Whoosh-Bang-Pow, and 1-Word Story. Then we moved into Tag Out Story, and then 5 Letter Word. And with the large group this week (21 players), we did a few rotations of Family Gathering to work on some group pantomime skills.

We continued working on the 50's Do-Wop Song this week. Andy again brought his guitar, which helped everyone stay on rhythm and pitch. It's still a challenging piece, but I think folks are getting the swing of it.

We ended the night with Switch Dubbing, which gave everyone the chance to practice their ... rusty (and often varying) accents.

Finally, I know we will not be in our usual location next week (it's still being upgraded), and the temporary location from this week will NOT be available. I'll post the new location once it has been finalized.
