I got a bit behind in postings, so I'm going to do a quick month's summary to catch up. Here are the links to our albums for the month of October, 2008. Workshop 10-01-08 October 1, 2008

I knew this was the picture to represent the class: Victoria completely committing to her role. There are a lot more pictures in the album from this week.

We had a big class (25 players) and besides our warm-ups we did Slow Motion Commentary, Opera Translator, Irish Drinking Song, and World's Worst.

October 8, 2009

I was out of town for this week, and Victoria took over the class. Unfortunately, that means there were no pictures from this class, so we're left with ephemeral memories.

October 15, 2008

A big group of 115 photos in the album from this class, although it was a smaller group of players (16 seems like a small group nowadays)

We also got in games of Mutant, Playbook, Irish Drinking Song, and some 3-Line Drills.

October 22, 2008

This is one of the photos from our Art Museum game. All the photos can be found at this week's album. I have a large group of 25 players recorded for the night (including Li-At's brother!)

We also played the Repeating Scene Changing Genre game and the Irish Drinking Song. Unfortunately, I'm missing notes on how we ended the night (3-Line Drill?)

October 29, 2008

We played a game of Knots, which is one of those great non-competitive games from the 1970's (okay, I'm old). The other photo's from the night can be found at the album. We also played Who Am I? and the Irish Drinking Song. Once again, though, I'm missing notes on the other games we played.

Hmm. The problem with not getting the class notes posted right away is that they are often incomplete, and my memory doesn't last much more than a week. I'll get caught up over this next week.
