Workshop 21 January 2009I like the range of emotions in this shot. We were doing a Story-Story-Not Die scene, and Lori, Justin, and Andy are pictured with just a hint of Joanna's arm. You'll find the rest of the photos from this workshop in the album. Our warm-ups included Lymericks and 1-Word Story. Then we moved on the the Story-Story-Not Die scene, which had some great moments. We tried the Rhyming Scene with 4 people at a time, and it worked pretty well. I think the forced rhythm of the scene kept it from becoming too chaotic.

We continued on with the Irish Drinking Song and ended with a Panel Of Experts. As a variation on our usual panel, each player was assigned a magazine. Their characters were reporters or editors from that magazine, and that helped to strongly define the attitude of the characters. It was really strong work.
