Workshop 2/25/09 Alright, if  you were at the workshop you KNOW why I picked this picture. If you've been coming regularly but just happened to miss that class, then NEWS FLASH. If you are checking out the blog to see if  this workshop is something you're interested in, then I CANNOT guarantee that you will participate in this kind of scene, nor that this happens very often. I CAN say that this is from a 3-Line Drill, which is reserved for the more advanced members of the class, and that you can find more pictures from this workshop (with less lip lock) at our album.

After our more typical set of warm-up exercises (including 1 Word Story), we started our scene work with Step Word Scene. It starts with everyone giving a 1 word line, then everyone giving a 2 word line and so on to everyone giving a 5 word line. Then, all the players count down so that the scene ends with a set of 1 word lines.

We did some group work with the Blank Family scene. We saw the Stupendous Family, the Blind Family, the Mystic Family, and the Gorgeous Family.

We went back to the Irish Drinking Song this week, and then did a full rotation of 3 Line Drills. We had enough time to do 3 groups of Montage so that we could finally get back to some open scene work. We need to keep practicing this.

And my favorite line of the night came from Roberta:

Here, you can have the pussy
