Improv Class 22 April 2009Guy, Allegra, and Kathy are in an ABC scene taking place in a recycling center. I choose this shot because it gives folks who are checking out the class a good sense of our size and setup. And you all look less intimidating from behind. Anywho, the rest of the pictures from the class can be found at the album. We tried a new warm-up exercises in this class called Name Game. Of course we also got in the traditional 1 Word Story.

On stage, we started with Tag Out Story and then proceeded to ABCs. Then we worked on a new piece called Ratings Board. That one got better with each group.

Because the early scene work went long, we ended the night with the Irish Drinking Song.

My favorite line of the night came during one of the R rated scenes in Ratings Board:

Do you have no fucking morals?
