Workshop 17 June 2009 Here are Justin and Lilia in an Alliteration scene. The rest of the photos from the night (and we're back to our usual number) can be found in our album.

After our usual warm ups, including the 1 Word Story, we started with our Yes And ... exercise. It's good that we revisit this from time to time, because the intent is to practice both the Yes (which was great) as well as the And (which needs work).

We moved on to Alliteration which went well and was fun. And then came our usual Irish Drinking Song.

We ended the night with a new piece, One Act Tag. This went better than I expected, and I plan on coming back to this as a long form (multi-scene) practice structure.

My favorite line of the night (it still makes me chuckle):

Maybe you're a foreigner, or maybe you're just poor.
