Time to catch up on a backlog of class postings. So here's the entire month of September (you can click on the thumbnail to get the photo album for that night:

Workshop 2 September 20092 September 2009

When you see the larger version of this photo, look at Robert's sad eyes. Evidently it was a sad 1 Word Story.

We also did the No P game and Secret Endowment. as well as the Irish Drinking Song. We ended the night with the 3 Line Drill.

The camera lost power early, so there are only 88 photos in the album for this night.

Workshop 9-9-99 September 2009

Our scene work consisted of 5 Letter Word and Playbook (Actor's Nightmare). We also did a full set of Irish Drinking Songs. We ended with a 3 Line Drill.

There are 188 photos from this night!

Workshop 16 September 200916 September 2009

Angela knows a dramatic moment when it presents itself, especially during an Alliteration scene (she had the very dramatic letter J).

In addition to Alliteration, we got in a Panel of Experts and the Irish Drinking Song. I believe we ended on Entrances & Exits.

184 photos from this night.

Workshop 23 September 200923 September 2009

This was a pretty large class with several new players. We started the night with warm ups (including the 1 Word Story) and then started our scene work with ABCs. We spent a lot of time working on to Typewriter, making sure everyone had a chance to both narrate and perform.

We ended the night with Irish Drinking Song.

Only 144 photos in the album.

Workshop 30 September 200930 September 2009

I've never seen Patrick so happy to be in a 3 Headed Expert scene.

This was another big night with several new people attending. We started with warm ups and then moved on to 3 Headed Expert. Next was a set of Random Word scenes followed by 3 Actions. We did an Irish Drinking Song and then a 3 Line Drill. We ended with some Freeze Tag.

There are 189 photos in this night's album
