Here's the next catch-up post, covering the month of December, 2009. December 2, 2009

A Pillars scene with David and Mike performing and Sol and Jodi as the pillars.

After our warm ups, we performed Tag Out Story, Pillars, and Repeating Scene Changing Genre. After our Irish Drinking Songs we got in a 3 Line Drill and then a Montage.

December 9, 2009

I love this shot from an Actor's Nightmare scene. Guy is doing Nancy's hair while Karla is doing her nails.

For the night, we did warm-ups, 5 Letter Word, and Playbook (also called Actor's Nightmare). We also sang Irish Drinking Song, then got in a 3 Line Drill.

December 16, 2009

I was out of town for this class, and Victoria took over. As usual, everyone went on and on about how good she is, how great the class was, and blah blah blah.

I'd hate her, but she's so damn nice. Drat.

December 23, 2009

Allegra is showing off for Guy in this Advance/Expand scene.

We did our usual warm-ups and then moved on to Info Booth. Next came the Advance/Expand Scene.

This week we did a Ho Down for our song and then got in a 3 Line Drill. We ended with pair of 1 Acts.

December 30, 2009

Here's a shot from a Typewriter scene with Sol at the typewriter and Guy, Mark, and Justin acting out the story.

This was the last class of the year, and frankly, my notes are non-existent from this class. I'm sure it was an amazing class filled with brilliant work. How else could we have ended the year?
