
Hi Folks! Kymberlee and I will be doing a workshop on June 26th and we wanted to invite everyone to check it out.

It's focused on public speaking and here are some of the skills you can expect to learn: - how to find your own core idea worth spreading - how to use the art of story telling - how to make the best first impressions - how to structure your talk - how to captivate an audience - how to create a TED-style talk - how to speak without notes every time - how to increase your speaking opportunities - how to become a thought leader in your field - how to enhance every aspect of your speaking skills from content to performance - and much much more...

You can read all about the details here: http://strategicsamurai.com/workshops/

I'll be focusing on using improv skills to improve your public speaking.

Feel free to post questions below or contact either of us directly.
