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Improv Classes October 2009

Continuing the catch-up posts, here are the classes from October, 2009. You can get to the albums by clicking on the thumbnails.

Workshop 7 October 20097 October 2009

David, Allegra, and Tom have achieved just what I'm looking for when we start Scene From A Pose: randomness!

After our warm-ups, we did a complete rotation of Hitchhiker. Then a set of Remote Control scenes, followed by Scene From A Pose. Next, we did the Irish Drinking Song, and ended with Entrances and Exits.

There are 108 photos from the night.

Workshop 14 October 200914 October 2009

Sometimes selecting the cover photo for the night is just too easy. Yes, that's Lisa.

From the photos, you'll see that we had to find a new location for the night. The Star King Rummage Sale displaced us from our usual Jefferson Hall, but the Jewish Community Center was kind enough to allow us the use of their main hall, thanks to Nancy. It was a fine location for the class.

We did our warm-ups, including the 1 Word Story. Then was Transprov followed by the 5 Letter Word and then Assigned Quirks. After the Irish Drinking Song, we ended with a set of Subconcious scenes.

We have 126 photos in the album for the night.

21 October 2009

Unfortunately, I didn't bring the camera with me and so no photos for the night. However, we were back in our usual location.

After our warm-ups, we did a set of Story Story Die scenes, then Slow Motion Commentary, and the Irish Drinking Song. We ended with a 3 Line Drill and then some Freeze Tag.

Workshop 28 October 200928 October 2009

Here we have David, Sol, Mark, Marley, and on the floor is Jim. This is a scene from one of their iterations in Half Life.

We did our warm-ups, then Tag Out Story. Next was Swedish Story, followed by Change. Then came the Half Life scenes and then the Irish Drinking Song. We ended with 3 Line Drill and Montage.

There are 158 photos in the album.



Improv Classes September 2009

Time to catch up on a backlog of class postings. So here's the entire month of September (you can click on the thumbnail to get the photo album for that night:

Workshop 2 September 20092 September 2009

When you see the larger version of this photo, look at Robert's sad eyes. Evidently it was a sad 1 Word Story.

We also did the No P game and Secret Endowment. as well as the Irish Drinking Song. We ended the night with the 3 Line Drill.

The camera lost power early, so there are only 88 photos in the album for this night.

Workshop 9-9-99 September 2009

Our scene work consisted of 5 Letter Word and Playbook (Actor's Nightmare). We also did a full set of Irish Drinking Songs. We ended with a 3 Line Drill.

There are 188 photos from this night!

Workshop 16 September 200916 September 2009

Angela knows a dramatic moment when it presents itself, especially during an Alliteration scene (she had the very dramatic letter J).

In addition to Alliteration, we got in a Panel of Experts and the Irish Drinking Song. I believe we ended on Entrances & Exits.

184 photos from this night.

Workshop 23 September 200923 September 2009

This was a pretty large class with several new players. We started the night with warm ups (including the 1 Word Story) and then started our scene work with ABCs. We spent a lot of time working on to Typewriter, making sure everyone had a chance to both narrate and perform.

We ended the night with Irish Drinking Song.

Only 144 photos in the album.

Workshop 30 September 200930 September 2009

I've never seen Patrick so happy to be in a 3 Headed Expert scene.

This was another big night with several new people attending. We started with warm ups and then moved on to 3 Headed Expert. Next was a set of Random Word scenes followed by 3 Actions. We did an Irish Drinking Song and then a 3 Line Drill. We ended with some Freeze Tag.

There are 189 photos in this night's album



Improv Class 26 August 2009

Workshop 26 August 2009I'm not certain whether that pesky Robert is scaring Nancy with his antics or whether they are both frightened by the intensity of whatever's happening on stage. Either way, you can find more photos from this night at our album. After a rousing set of warm ups, including a 1 Word Story, we did a frenetic set of Tag Out Stories. We then spent a fair amount of time working through a series of Step Out Musicals.

We worked on the Do Wop Song, and I'll just say that we need more work on that one.

For the advanced part of the night, we did a full round of 3 Line Drills, and then finished with a couple of 1 Acts.



Improv Show 2 January 2010

Show 01-02-10 The next Improvisational Comedy Show from the Santa Barbara Improv Workshop will be:

Date: Saturday January 2, 2010

Time: 8:00 pm until about 9:30 pm

Location: Jefferson Hall, 1525 Santa Barbara Street (near Anapamu)

Price: $5 at the door



Improv Show 5 December 2009

Show 12-05-09 The next Improvisational Comedy Show from the Santa Barbara Improv Workshop will be:

Date: Saturday December 5, 2009

Time: 8:00 pm until about 9:30 pm

Location: Jefferson Hall, 1525 Santa Barbara Street (near Anapamu)

Price: $5 at the door



Improv Show 7 November 2009

Improv Show 11-7-09 The next Improvisational Comedy Show from the Santa Barbara Improv Workshop will be:

Date: Saturday November 7, 2009

Time: 8:00 pm until about 9:30 pm

Location: Jefferson Hall, 1525 Santa Barbara Street (near Anapamu)

Price: $5 at the door



Improv Class 19 August 2009

Workshop 19 August 2009Bob, Brian, and Allegra are actively searching through the dump, which is their setting in this Counting Words scene. More photos in the album. We began the night with warm ups that included our traditional 1 Word Story, then we moved on to our stage work. First was the Counting Words Scene. Then everyone did an Emotional List scene.

Our song for the night was the Irish Drinking Song and we finished with a 3 Line Drill.



Improv Class 12 August 2009

Workshop 8/12/09 No, I don't require feats of physical prowess to participate in the Workshop. Here, Kathy has decided that "make a strong offer" in a 3-Line Drill wasn't just a metaphor. You'll find more photos from this night in our album.

After our warm ups, including the 1-Word Story, we did a 5-Letter Word scene as our first stage work. Next, everyone had a chance to work in a Stinky, Sexy, Silly scene.

We all sang an Irish Drinking Song, and then on to some advanced work. We started with a 3-Line Drill to get everyone prepared for open scene work. We did a couple of rounds of Montage to practice scene transitions and open scenes, and I must say that we need to practice more often.

My favorite line of the night:

Dad wants you to go home and have medication



Improv Show 5 September 2009

Improv Show 9/5/09 The next Improvisational Comedy Show from the Santa Barbara Improv Workshop will be:

Date: Saturday September 5, 2009

Time: 8:00 pm until about 9:30 pm

Location: Jefferson Hall, 1525 Santa Barbara Street (near Anapamu)

Price: $5 at the door



Improv Class, 5 August 2009

Workshop 5 August 2009Here are Marley, Angela, Garret, Kathy, and Nancy from their Irish Drinking Song. We had several new players join us this night and you'll find more photos in our album. Our warm ups included the 1 Word Story, and our scene work began with ABCs. We moved on to Switch Dubbing and everyone had a chance to create their foreign film.

As pictured above, we all had a chance to sing the Irish Drinking Song. And after that, we ended the night with Entrances and Exits.



Improv Class, 29 July 2009

Workshop 29 July 2009 Allegra, Patrick, and Ben are in an Opera scene with Allegra translating. I like Ben's high kick. There are more photos from the night in our album.

Our warm ups included Enemy Defender as well as the 1 Word Story. We started our scene work with the exercise Create Object to Speak. Then we did a set of Obsession scenes, which we've not done in quite awhile and needed to practice.

After the Irish Drinking Song we finished the night with Opera translation scenes.

My favorite (or at least the oddest) quote of the night:

You have peanuts all over this store.

Yeah, it gets lonely sometimes.



Improv Class, 22 July 2009

Workshop 22 July 2009 I was out of town (Comic-Con!) for this week's workshop, but the lovely and talented Victoria stepped in and inspired the class. It sounds like there was some amazing physical work done, and once again I'm sorry that I miss the classes where there's a substitute.

Thanks Victoria!



Improv Class, 15 July 2009

Improv Class 15 July 2009Despite appearances, I can assure you that Patrick did not eat Kathy while Mike watched. That's about all I can be confident about, so for the rest of the night you'll have to check out our album. We started the night with warm ups including the 1 Word Story. Our stage work began with rounds of Mutant. We continued with Superhero and then 185. I'm glad we got a chance to work on 185, because it got better and better as the night went on.

After our sets of Irish Drinking Song, we moved on to Repeating Scene Changing Genre. We finished the night with rounds of Freeze Tag.



Improv Show August 1, 2009

Improv Show, 1 August 2009The next Improvisational Comedy Show from the Santa Barbara Improv Workshop will be: Date: Saturday August 1, 2009

Time: 8:00 pm until about 9:30 pm

Location: Jefferson Hall, 1525 Santa Barbara Street (near Anapamu)

Price: $5 at the door



Improv Workshop 8 July 2009

Workshop 8 July 2009 A fantastic picture of Scott and one of our new players (okay, I admit that I don't have her name anywhere) in a Pillars scene. That's actually my foot on the lower left corner of the picture. The rest of the workshop can be seen in our album for the week.

The night started with warm-ups, including Physical Offers and 1 Word Story. Then, we moved on to a Create and Use Environment exercise.

We did a complete rotation of Pillars followed by the Irish Drinking Song.

We ended the night with the 3 Line Drill.

My favorite quote from the night (and a great safety tip)

You can't walk on Mars with slippers.



Improv Workshop 1 July 2009

Workshop 1 July 2009 This picture is from an Animal Transform exercise with Allegra, Patrick, Ben, Roberta, and Guy. I believe they were transforming from their animals into their characters. You'll find the rest of the pictures from this night in our album.

During our warm-ups, we did the Association Jump exercise for the first time in quite awhile. And we got in 1 Word Story.

For our scene work, we started with Class Photo. Then everyone got in a round of the Animal Transform exercise.

After the Irish Drinking Song, we finished our scene work with some Spoon River stories.

We ended the night with Freeze Tag, and since it was Roberta's last night with us, we came to an unspoken agreement to keep her in just about every scene. We worked her!

My favorite line of the night

Hey 'brain', can you raise the dead?



Improv Workshop 24 June 2009

Workshop 24 June 2009 Ben, Brian, Guy, Katie, and Patrick are in a Panel of Experts scene, discussing Graphic Arts. I suppose it's obvious that I brought hats for the night. The rest of the (record number of) photos can be found in our album.

Yes, we did our usual 1 Word Story as part of our warm ups, and then we did a Reason For Being Late exercise.

For our short form work, we did Transfer Emotions scenes and then Panel of Experts. Next came the Irish Drinking Song scenes.

We ended the night with Switch Dubbing.

For my favorite line of the night, I had trouble picking between these three (for various reasons):

I'm not yelling, I'm just telling you what to do.

You get fucked less in graphic arts.

My suspenders are the foundation of my being.



Improv Workshop 17 June 2009

Workshop 17 June 2009 Here are Justin and Lilia in an Alliteration scene. The rest of the photos from the night (and we're back to our usual number) can be found in our album.

After our usual warm ups, including the 1 Word Story, we started with our Yes And ... exercise. It's good that we revisit this from time to time, because the intent is to practice both the Yes (which was great) as well as the And (which needs work).

We moved on to Alliteration which went well and was fun. And then came our usual Irish Drinking Song.

We ended the night with a new piece, One Act Tag. This went better than I expected, and I plan on coming back to this as a long form (multi-scene) practice structure.

My favorite line of the night (it still makes me chuckle):

Maybe you're a foreigner, or maybe you're just poor.



Improv Workshop 10 June 2009

Workshop 10 June 2009 Here we see Karla, Guy, Allegra, Ben, and Dana in their 1 Word Story group. This is one of only three pictures we have in our album from this class. For some reason not many pictures were taken.

We did the 1 Word Story at the end of our warm up work. We also did a complete set of It's Tuesday exercises.

Counting Words was our first scene work, and then we moved on to Swedish Scenes. And of course everyone did the Irish Drinking Song.

We ended the night with 3 Line Drills.



Improv Workshop 3 June 2007

Workshop 3 June 2009 I was out of town this week, so the amazingly talented Victoria stepped in and covered the workshop for me. From all reports it was a fabulous class.

Thanks Victora!
